Thursday, August 18, 2005


Yesterday, as you know if you read Holly's blog, we (mostly Holly and E) babysat a set of beautiful twin girls that we'd fostered from age 3 to 8 mos. Now they are almost 18 months old, just six weeks older than our twins. The experience gave us all a taste of how quads would be, and it wasn't something we would wish for.
It did show us many things:
  • our babies are doing well developmentally, as they easily kept up with the older girls;
  • boys are different than girls - the three girls, even at this young age, wanted more contact with each other and the adults than B;
  • even though we really grieved when the girls left us for their adoptive placement, it was the right thing to do.
  • Having them around showed that our twins are OURS and perfect for us, and H and H are doing very well with their adoptive mother.
  • S is the most beautiful baby in the world. Whenever we finally get Holly's divorce decree from California (curse their disorganization) and the adoption goes through, I will post a picture and you can agree with me.
  • We couldn't help but compare the two sets of twins and for some reason, S and B just seemed preferable in practically every situation.
  • Babysitting four children under two is fun, but longterm would be totally and completely exhausting.

Okay, well, I can't exactly speak for my other family members, but this is how I feel.


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny isn't it... I bet no matter who our kids are, they feel "right" for us. I'm so glad you feel comfortable visiting with H & H and having them adopted elsewhere. I look forward to seeing pics of S & B!


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