Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The other day I was talking to E, our oldest, who occasionally flies back to the coop to get groceries or wash clothes, or for short moments of peace and sanity. She talked about the lack of maturity of the people she hangs out with, her friends and birth family. About how they get themselves in trouble and even ruin their lives over things that shouldn't bother anyone above high school age. We agreed that she wasn't going to get anywhere if she stayed in that groove.

She and her gf still fight over stupid things. E can talk the talk, but she tends to fall into old behaviors around old friends. I explained that either she can trust gf to be faithful and that the flirting gf does is innocent fun, or she can live with the fact that gf is not faithful, or she can leave her. Fighting about it causes drama that doesn't get anyone anywhere, and they aren't anyplace to brag about anyway. She agreed, and said that gf gets more angry sometimes because she won't argue. E is so freaking smart. If she could only grow beyond her past. She can't because there are so many things in her past that she loves. Unfortunately, she keeps trying to bring them up with her, but she isn't strong enough, emotionally or financially, to handle the burden. She's only 18. She should be going to school and working and have her whole future ahead of her. Instead, she's trying to figure out how to support her gf and gf's 18 mo son, and her bio mom wants to quit HER job and come here and try to make it. E doesn't even have an apartment.

Holly and I've decided to be patient and try to be examples. We've had to decline help a couple of times because of financial issues. E doesn't blame us. She knows we do what we can. We've already done more for her than all of those from "home."


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Gawdessness said...

You didn't use the word but it sure permeates through your writing - Hope.
It sounds like you have good reason to have it.


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