home again
Our oldest, E, after going back to her dreadful hometown for a wedding and staying for over a week, called us Sunday and said that she and her girlfriend were going to a town in South Texas where gf's cousin or some relative owned a business and was going to give them jobs. We were a little surprised, because gf's family has not produced much positive as far as we know. Then, of course called last night and said they were coming back to us because the cousin's jobs would take awhile to pan out. Don't know what we are supposed to do with them. Still can't keep gf in the house because, last we heard she has someone out to kill her, and she's a known drug dealer. This pisses off E, because she feels like we don't support her with the love of her life. If they'd put serious effort in to it when they were in town last time, they'd have jobs by now and be within a month or so of getting an apartment. Of course, it's hard to get a job that pays enough to live on when you don't have marketable skills or high school diploma/ged.Holly is trying to see if she can get them involved with Job Corp. Then they could finish their GEDs and learn a marketable skill and maybe get some other help on the way. It is all very frustrating.
Frustrating is the word for it. Hang tight.
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