morning of the first day of school
The day started out pretty well, at least for me. Holly had to get up at 4:30 to take E to the hospital for an upper and lower GI procedure. I took the morning off to watch the babies and take the teens to their first day of school.The twins usually start fussing to get out of bed about 7, so I went back to sleep. About 6:45 I woke to dogs barking and went downstairs. S, in a nervous bout of energy that she sometimes gets on big days, had gotten up when Holly left, gotten Ben out of bed, changed his diaper and fed him, gotten herself dressed, made K coffee and me iced tea. Now, even though I new that Ben would have been perfectly happy talking and drowsing in bed until 7, I thanked her and drank my tea. K came downstairs, showered and dressed. What to do? They didn't have to be at school until 9am... Of course!!! K had the perfect answer - IHOP!
So I got dressed and took everyone to IHOP for breakfast. We made it to school with plenty of time for K to show S where her first couple of classes were. I went home, put the twins down for their nap, and took one myself until Holly and E got home. The procedure went well. Didn't see any ulcers and the doctor feels that her stomach problems are stress related.
A very good morning. E didn't have any after affects from the procedure - as a matter of fact, since she had not eaten since lunch yesterday, she made a pretty big lunch for herself. She now has contact with two catering companies, which hopefully will keep her employed well enough to provide some comfort while she goes to school (yes, if you haven't been reading Holly's blog, she has decided to go to culinary school again) Her girlfriend, BG, was eating lunch with E when E told me about the second caterer. Trying to gently keep up the pressure, I told BG that it was up to her, now. Once she is regularly employed, they can get their own apartment, and she didn't get mad or defensive or anything. She said that she knew that and Holly's ex was going to show her some places to try. She even sounded enthusiastic about it. (Holly's ex, although a very smart woman, has experience dealing with people who have no education or experience and maybe a bit too much attitude, so we asked her to help.)
I know that this feeling may be fleeting. Lot's of things can still go wrong, but I am going to enjoy this while I can. Life is so much easier when you've had enough sleep!!
That is great! LOL you must be a better morning person then I am...... I probably would have asked them if they were insane to want to go to IHOP right before school......
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