Friday, July 29, 2005

more stuff

Lots of excitement today. We are taking girl for a visit to see if she fits in our family. K and S aren't too happy about it. They like the status quo. But, this girl, from all accounts, is academic, easy going and gay, all of which pull our (Holly's and my) heart strings. Holly bribed K to be neutral. S is usually pretty nice to new kids.

Holly has begun writing a book for real. We've talked about ever since we met. She has several ideas bouncing around her head, but she picked one and wrote an outline and prologue. I'm excited.

Today is the last working day of the month and we are super busy at work. All of the staff we support are trying to get everything done and the system, as usual is getting clogged and making it much more difficult.

Holly just called. S had dental work done today. She is at summer band right now, and the numbing wore off and she doesn't handle pain well. Holly called to say that she is freaking out and the band directors are going to let her lay down. That means I'll have to go find her and wake her up. Its hard to tell with her - I've seen her pick live skin off and bleed and keep picking, then howl at the top of her lungs when she falls and gets a tiny abrasion. Hopefully, she will have worked herself down by the time I get there.


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