Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I've had some great times with the twins the past couple of days. They were kind of grumpy until the last day or two. I'm not sure if it comes from being an adoptive parent, but I still get a thrill when they squeal when I get home from work. Yesterday, a social worker was there when I got home - not a big deal, just the regular quarterly review(which went well.) I went upstairs and both babies stopped playing, squealed, ran over and grabbed my legs. The next half hour, while the social worker was there, they would play, then run over to me to be held, squirm down, play, run back for a hug, play, check out the social worker, etc. Nothing makes me feel more special than when my kids (including the big ones) show me trust, faith and affection.
my kids' recent milestones:
Ben, 14 mo son, has been able to climb up the little climbing wall on their tiny playscape for awhile, but he went down the slide by himself yesterday! Now, he only has to get comfortable sitting down after he climbs up...
Sophia, 14 mo daughter, had two milestones. First, she and I were watching Sesame Street and I mentioned that Ernie had a duck. She looked at me with comprehension, picked up her stuffed duck and brought it to me. Second, she stole her brother's bottle, I told her 'uh oh' and she gave it back to him.
S, 14 year old, babysat (with supervision) yesterday and did a great job. She got a bonus payment from the kids' parents.
Kaia, 17 year old, started her first job!


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Gawdessness said...

How full of wonder.
Sounds like a nice day in your house.


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