Friday, July 01, 2005

turning their backs

For the past couple of months, the twins have not done very much staring into my eyes like they did when they were younger. Kind of bothered me. Do they not like me anymore? Am I boring? It dawned on me yesterday, though, that I am kind of boring to them. They love me and want to be with me, but once they are with me, they want to see the rest of the world. Once he gets close enough, Ben will even turn around and back into me to sit on my lap or be picked up facing away. It felt good to realize that I am one of their safe people. They trust me to take care of them while they observe the big world.

The teens probably do it too, but in less obvious ways. I'm going to think about that for awhile, maybe I'll have more to add on their behaviour later.


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Gawdessness said...

My beautiful son did this when he was a toddler - it brought back a really lovely memory for me. Thanks for sharing it.


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