A glimmer of hope
E came home last night. After dealing with drugs, bugs, wrecks, illness, crime, abuse, hunger, the loss of almost all of the stuff she left with, and lots of HIGH DRAMA almost constantly for eight months, she decided maybe she it would be easier to get her s*** together with someone to at least partially take care of her. Don't know how long it will last - she's already bristling at the rules we set. These aren't ridiculous rules, in my mind. 1) no drugs/tobacco in the house 2) her girlfriend, who is staying with a friend not too far away, can't come to the house until she's been law abiding and non-abusive for awhile. 3) E has to make an effort to get and keep a job.Of course, it's only #2 that she has problems with. She doesn't seem to understand that the powers that be could actually take our other kids away if it's found out that the gf is spending a lot of time around our kids. Plus, she managed to destroy most of E's belongings in various fits of rage over the past months, and our kids certainly don't need to see that kind of behavior. Additionally, she's hiding from some criminal types that she turned in to the police. E knew enough not to bring her here - she's staying with one of E's friends. They both knew they need a little space.
We are full of help. Holly already has E at the doctor, and they are making a run of retail establishments and restaurants that are hiring. E has the number of the local gay/lesbian counseling center since they both need anger management and couple therapy. We want to be helpful, and hopefully, we'll pull back before she gets overloaded with us. She is such an amazing kid - bright, beautiful, smart. If she would put her mind to it for 6-12 months, she could get on her feet and rise above so many of her problems. Unfortunately, she doesn't have much patience.
Well, we'll hope and pray.
Big issues - hope that you can enjoy your vacation.
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