Kaia Rose
Sometimes the illusion of anonymity on the web is dangerous. Someone posted comments on Rosie's blog using the name "Kaia Rose," which of course is my daughter. She didn't post those comments, because she was in school, then with Holly while most of them were posted. She takes an opposite stance to the commentor, and she would probably gladly debate that person (She is quite well spoken).I'm sad that someone would take the name that she spent so much time and effort and heart choosing and use it to slam someone for whom she has so much respect. It seems deliberate - it's a rather unique name. Was it jealousy? Did that person know that Kaia was the one that moved Rosie to give the cruises to, and so try to sabotage? I don't know.
The comments are closed. I guess when they are opened Kaia will have to go and defend herself. She can, she is a great writer, but she should not have to. I guess this is her first experience with fame - or at least being out there so that people know who you are.
It's always freaky to see your name or username out there, unattached to oneself. I just googled Kaia Rose, and incredibly there are quite a few of them out there. Some adopted babies, some adults, etc. So it might just be an unfortunate coincidence. Just today I tried to sign up my comic at an online forum and found another cartoonist already signed up with my real first name. I am sorry that Kaia's very beautiful name is being used by someone saying hateful things. I hope it gets sorted out.
Hey carol, cortigiano here. I posted on Ro's comment board that the freak was an impostor who co-opted KR's name and I also let it be known that it was not his real name or gender. He is obviously male. I think all the female REDS posting on Ro's blog comments are male.
(BTW, very disturbing to read from KR about the online chat your youngest daughter had. the person was obviously male. perhaps she could meet others through gay youth websites or colage.org)
I was an active member of my school's Forensic Society (debating team) so I can go head-to-head with these fools. Remember, you can't debate a liar. The strongest debaters are armed with facts.
Here is a great website for news:
The news stories are pulled from the international news outlets and posted throughout the day. I visit the site everyday. Arm yourself with facts! Remember, facts confuse these people (REDS). They are only able to make personal attacks. They can never argue back with facts.
I came across your blog this summer from Rosie. Congrats on Ro's rfamily cruise offer. You and holly deserve the recognition too.
I hope KR considers furthering her education at a university level. She is very bright. I enjoy reading your family's blogs and think you and holly are two incredible parents. I admire that you have opened your hearts and home for these children.
thanks. It is great to see support!! Kaia is a great kid and doesn't deserve this kind of trouble.
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