Thursday, February 02, 2006

catching up

My gimpy foot took something of a step backwards yesterday when Ben tossed his toy xylophone and it accidently hit my broken toe. Don't think it did any real damage - just a bruise, and the toe is wired together, so it didn't mess it up.

Ben helped Sophia feed the outside dogs this morning. They take it very seriously. It is a good a chore as any to start them on!!

My wonderful little Nikon digital camera disappeared several weeks ago. We kept expecting it to turn up, as things like that eventually do in our mess of a house. I finally got fed up. We are missing great pictures of the kids. S has been through three hair colors since we lost it and the babies grow and change every day. I ordered one off of eBay. It is a couple of steps above the old one, but still an old enough model that it was inexpensive. I did it without asking Holly because I wanted it and would rather apologize than have her say no. She wasn't mad. I guess she hates missing pictures of the kids, too. If we find the old one, she'll use one and I'll use the other. I really love her.

The past week has been hard for her because I've been a hindrance rather than a help because of my foot. She is totally stressed out. This weekend we are going to start some seriously structured organization to keep it from being so bad again. I hope. If my foot keeps getting better and our lives don't become overwhelmed by taxiing kids around.


At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your weekend goes better and the doggies get fed without any mishaps with your recovering foot!


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