I took the day off work yesterday - my excuse was taking my dog Rufus to our vet to have the work the emergency vet did checked out and the bandage removed/changed. Didn't have to have the bandage removed. Rufus destroyed his Elizabethan torture collar and removed the bandage himself during the night. Our vet thought this was very funny. Said Rufy didn't need a bandage and is getting along great. He doesn't have to be isolated from the other dogs any more and the drainage tube comes out in a week. He is mostly a large animal vet and doesn't believe in over-doctoring animals. Rufus is much happier. He's a mut and doesn't need as much doctoring as some of the other dogs.I could have made it to work for a few hours, but it was so beautiful a day, and Holly wanted me to stay with her I never made it in. We got some of the teens cell phones for christmas and got the service plan straightened out at a Cingular store yesterday. The service agent that helped us was a Katrina refugee. Her family decided to stay in our area after the storm because they are racially mixed and we live in a more tolerant area than the Missisppi town they came from. They've already bought a house. She was very sweet and helpful. We might even set up a play date for our twins and her two kids that are just a bit older.
The teens were more than thrilled to get their own cell phones. We had dinner as a (very large) family at one of our favorite restaurants. All in all a very good day.
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