We got back from Hawaii at 11:30 Sunday night. Everyone was exhausted.Our condo was wonderful - large, clean, well appointed. The ocean was wonderful. I enjoyed the crystal clear ocean more than swimming anywhere, ever before. I could see my feet clearly enough to count my toes while standing in chest deep water. The weather was very nearly perfect - it only rained one day and we spent that day driving up Haleakala. The drive was miserable for Holly, since she hates to drive in the rain, and on winding roads, and hates to ride while others are driving even more. The end was worth it. The top was above the clouds and the sun was brilliant. The babies had a great time running around. The teens were excited about the scale and being so high and the views. We talked with a cyclist who had biked all the way up in the rain, then we met him again after he'd ridden back down. That was really cool.
We took the girls to see the rocky remnants of lava flows - acre upon acre of volcanic rock.
We went to a luau. A thousand people. A pig roasted in the ground. Poi. Hula dancers and fire dancers. Mai Tais. M was among the audience members chosen to dance on stage with the dancers. She loved it and did a great job.
Hours on beautiful, pristine beaches. No garbage or tar and very few cigarette butts. The cleanliness was a relief also because it made watching the babies so much easier. Very little they could get into except salt water and sand. They both enjoyed jumping waves with me and Holly. The teens got a chance to snorkel and kayak.
Holly and I didn't have as much of a chance to relax as we wished. Much of our time was spent chasing babies and trying to bring down angry/overstimulated teens. S and K both went off in the presence of Holly's family, including her three and four year old nephews. That was really hard. We can bring S down, usually within a few minutes, but K won't budge. she insists on spewing venom on anyone who comes near and she keeps trying to push S's buttons after we calm S down. The two of them caused enough grief before, during and after the luau that we are charging them for part of the entrance fee.
All in all, it was a good trip.
ooh logical consequences.
Sorry that S and K had such a tough time and shared it.
That would be hard, especially in front of others.
Loved the descriptions!
Hi. I am here following popping by K's blog, and reading the drive by anonymous comment there, so my sympathy is mitigated with this sick feeling in my stomach of the openness of the internet, and how when multiple people blog in the same group or family, how that can cross-reference eachother, where supporters of one can feel free to take down another. So very sad. Very very sad. It just adds to the hurt of the situation. Glad that the time was good, though sounds like you and Holly need an adult-only vacation together (respite??), and sorry bout the luau. Wish it had gone better for everyone, or at least with more limited damage. welcome home.
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