Wednesday, November 02, 2005


The babies couldn't go because they were too congested and therefore grumpy. S and M dressed up and ran the whole neighborhood, each getting probably 7 or 8 pounds of candy. They looked great, S was a dementor and M was a witch.

Cutest costumes:
a boy whose family is from some other country dressed as Spiderman, except he had his top on backwards and his little foam muscles were bulging all on his back.
a two year old dressed as Pooh. He had really fat cheeks. As his mom walked up carrying him, I said It's Pooh! and he said "Winnie Pooh Winnie Pooh Winnie Pooh!!!" His mother said, "No, say Happy Halloween." and he said "Winnie Pooh Winnie Pooh Winnie Pooh!!" I gave him some candy and his mom told him to say thank you and he said, "Pee O Ween Pee O Ween Pee O Ween!!"
a little girl, dressed in sparkly white with wings came up. I asked if she was a princess or an angel. "An Angel." she responded. I told her she was the most beautiful angel I'd seen all night. "Yes, thank you." she said with a big smile.


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