Had an interesting weekend. Lots of baby alone time since Holly had to catch up on some paperwork. Great for me and the babies, bummer for me and Holly. Baby girl sang the ABC song with me, well she the first few words, but she was on a roll. She also counted to three with me. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have a clue what those words mean, but you've got to start somewhere. Holly convinced me that Baby Boy probably knows just as much as Baby Girl, but is too busy sucking his fingers to participate. He watches and laughs.
S had a rough week at school last week, but pulled herself together and had a great weekend. She was a joy to be with, most of the time. Almost all of her problems at school involve one teacher. I've met her face to face and Holly's talked to her on the phone in depth and we can't figure out what S's problem is. The best we can figure out is that S wanted to take Theater Arts and couldn't because of band, so they put her in Art. The teacher's goal is to teach the kids how to draw in a certain way that involves following instructions one step at a time and taking one's time. Guess what S's biggest problems are? So, we thought this class would be great, and the teacher has been very patient with her. S has decided to take offense at every thing this woman says. She's thrown a couple of mini tantrums and gets in trouble in that class almost every day. We are siding with the teacher. S has been told that she is not going to get transferred to another class just because she refuses to get along with her teacher, and she will have a very boring Halloween if she has any more outbursts with this teacher.
Holly will have to update you on Kaia.
E is all set in her apartment with bad girlfriend and her baby. They glowed with pride when we visited them. I hope they keep their s**t together, or at least that E does.
that's cool that things seem to be going well with pretty well everyone. i understand that S has to learn to deal with this teacher... I guess you can tell her in college she can transfer out of the class if she is lucky. But I didn't take any physics past the first year i highschool cuz it was only taught by one teacher and I hated his teaching methods. Her art teacher would drive me insane (being the artsy person I am). I hope S finds a way to have fun in the class and get on the good side of the prof. Yay for babies!
I know that I am think very postived vibes for E. She sounds like such a good person that really has been working hard to overcome some pretty big obsticals.
I can't help but side with S. on so many things, LOL, and I'm not even there for her to manpulate! I'm such a sucker. Good thing that she has you folks around because lemme tell you the longer you wait to learn to work with people that you don't like the harder it is!
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