Friday, September 23, 2005

heavy weekend

Rita is coming!!!
It is all that is on the news. Usually, since we're in Central Texas, we only get rain, hail, maybe a tornado or two from a hurricane. Unfortunately, there is a 10-20% chance that Rita will turn our direction and might still be a category one hurricane when it hits us.

Lots of evacuees still stuck in traffic in south/east Texas. We bought some water, candles, flashlights, etc, in case the power goes off. Canned food and formula, too. We put fresh batteries in the weather radio. As far as we know, family and friends from the Gulf area are safe and sound. Holly and I are a bit worried, but not much more we can do. The sun is shining brilliantly right now. partly cloudy. We don't live in a flood plain and the house is on one of the highest spots in the neighborhood, so flooding is not a fear. Probably the biggest worry is a tornado, but we are as ready as we can be for that, too.

So, I'm in a good mood. I'm not going to get myself into a worry loop when there isn't anything we can do until this blows over. If we show worry, our high strung teens could very well go into panic attacks. We have already explained the situation in detail to each of them, very carefully as to not bring on overreactions.

Thanks to those who've sent prayers and positive thoughts. I think it is helping!


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck with the weather!


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