Wednesday, May 24, 2006

my toe hurts

okay - it isn't broken, and it was doing much better after the mess earlier this week, then I stubbed it this morning and it still hurts. that was my whine for the day.

We have tons and tons to do before the trip next month. We missed all the deadlines for getting passports for everyone. Now, we're just trying to make sure that all of the kids have photo id's. Holly is going to take them all down to DPS to get state issued id's, at least for the ones that don't have driver's licenses.

btw - Ro passed her driving test!! She officially has a driver's license!! Tons of driving stress has just been sloughed off!!

That should be all the id the two eighteen year olds and E (if she still decides to go) need. Melinda and S will need id plus paperwork that shows they are in care and we have custody and the court gives them permission to travel with us. We carry a green zip binder with all the info in it when we travel. I wonder if we still need to have their birth certificates to prove they are US citizens. yikes.

I just want to go and have everything be fine and to get married.

by the end of the summer, Holly and I and the twins will have passports, I swear. The paperwork is complete for Holly and me, we just have to get off our butts and take it to the post office. My adoption has not yet gone through, so we will wait until it does to do the twins, so that both our names will be in all the official places. It should go through soon, though.

We plan on adopting S in November. She will be sixteen then, and eligible for the max amount of state benefits. Her freakin' case worker still has not done the paperwork to get her name change the judge ordered 18 mo ago official, so I guess we'll just wait until we the adoption is final and use that for the name change so she doesn't have to do a change on her passport.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't have the backstory on this, but are you travelling to/through Canada? Because you WILL need passports for that. They'll do it quick for $$$$.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to say HI! I am new to your blog, so I am catching up.

I agree with Ina, you do have to have a passport for Canada now.


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