Wednesday, April 27, 2005

to cuff, or not to cuff

I just watched part of the video of the little girl in Florida who got cuffed by the police.

I admit that she was being horribly difficult, and that it is a parent's job to raise their kids in a way that they don't behave that way. But, the school approached the situation all wrong. They gave the child all sorts of attention while she was misbehaving, then, when she finally sat down, the police officer put handcuffs on her. They should have had a time out room and the teachers should be trained to use positive reinforcement, rather than negative.

A great site to learn about a great technique is . My partner and I have used this method with our foster kids, who are older and more set in their ways than that little five year old, but just as disturbed, with great success.

If I were the boss of everything, I would insist that all teachers and school administrators were thoroughly trained in Love and Logic. Hell, if I were the boss of everything, I'd make all parents get trained in it before they were ever allowed to have children.


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