Tuesday, April 26, 2005

how hypocritical

The private agency through which we foster just called my partner up and asked her to take one of the kids (but not me) to some bigwig fundraising dinner tonight. The agency is going to be the recipient of a rather large amount of money and they wanted a foster parent to be there to get interviewed. The clincher is that they want to say she's a single parent, if she's asked, and not get into the whole gay foster parent thing that consumes us right now.

How is she supposed to do that? She gave half a dozen interviews last week and her face was on three different newscasts. She asked me, "What if it's the same reporter? What if I don't mention it but they pull footage from last week?" She is not the type to lie or fudge around those issues. She does feel pressure through our devotion to this nonprofit agency. They've helped us and been more supportive than we ever could have imagined.

She said she'd go, but reminded them that she wouldn't have to tell them for them to know she's gay. She said she'd be the last resort - if they couldn't get anyone else. I don't know. Kind of makes me mad that they'd even ask us to do something like that. But, they are really good people. I understand that they want the event to be about the work they do and not get riled up in the politics of gay fostering. The timing really sucks. A month ago, or probably two months from now, it wouldn't be so much of an issue.


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